An Introduction

The Lawn Greetings industry can be defined as small businesses which help their customers celebrate various occasions and events by renting displays that are set up in the recipient’s yards. The displays vary greatly from giant wooden character signs, to small "critter" signs, to a wide array of elements decorating a front yard. Generally you have 2 specific categories for lawn greetings; all occasion displays and the stork display.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Operation Pink Flamingo

Hi Folks, been meaning to post a blog about our new Charity, Operation Pink Flamingo. We are forming this charity to collect donated pink flamingos to send to military camps over seas; Iraq, Afganistan, anywhere we have people sacrificing their lives and miss home. We're doing our little part so that we can bring a smile to their day and give them a reminder of home.

Our first "victim" was Chris In Iraq. We sent him a flock of flamingos back in April. He posted about it on his blog

We had another request from James, his blog is Jim In Iraq. Haven't heard back from him, so I really hope everything is alright. James, if you are out there, email me, we have your flamingos ready to be shipped!!

If anyone else comes across this blog and you know of a military camp who would like a flock of flamingos sent to them, please contact me at and put Operation Pink Flamingo in the subject line.

Happy Flockin!!!

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