An Introduction

The Lawn Greetings industry can be defined as small businesses which help their customers celebrate various occasions and events by renting displays that are set up in the recipient’s yards. The displays vary greatly from giant wooden character signs, to small "critter" signs, to a wide array of elements decorating a front yard. Generally you have 2 specific categories for lawn greetings; all occasion displays and the stork display.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making a conscious effort here

Hello everyone, this is Michelle, and for those who don't know me, I am the President of the Lawn Greetings Association.

I created this blog to make a concious effort to keep it maintained and updated regularly. We will see how far this goes, hopefully someone will actually read it! If you are a regular visitor, please feel free to comment or drop me a line.

A little information to get you started. We have a Lawn Greetings Business Owners Forum with over 1100 registered members. The people are some of the nicest folks you will ever meet and I am so thankful to be a part of this community. I started as a regular newbie member myself back in early 2004. Scottie created the forum and her Flamingoed Lawn Greetings Directory for us to use. Since I started, I remember many positive things over the last few years that stick out in my mind.

Let me reflect on some things that we have done to help each other.

~ Regularly exchanged industry resources and information
~ Shared ideas for critter and sign designs
~ Shared ideas for phrases and messages for signs
~ Helped each other with excouragement and support when someone was facing tough times.
~ Gathered money and items to send to a member who was effected by Hurricane Katrina
~ Sometimes intentory was loaned to another member to help with a rental
~ Many referrals were given between businesses
~ We collected photos to create a slide show DVD in honor of Don Featherstone and sent it to him
~ We are also organizing a effort to celebrate our declaration of April as Lawn Greetings Month
~ We are organizing a grass roots effort to celebrate Pink Flamingo Day (June 23rd) and collaborating a massive effort to break a record with the Guinnes Book of World Records by having the most flamingo lawn greetings displays across the US & Canada and any other member on the globe who wishes to participate

I have never been a part of such a community of people who believe wholeheartedly in what they are doing. It is fun, exciting and very rewarding. Sure, it has its ups and downs, but like anything else in life, you strive to improve.

If you are a member, please comment here on some of your most fondest memories. If you are a random person checking out this blog and are interested in our industry, whether to rent a display or start your own company, please visit our links. I guarantee you will be fully entertained and informed!

Happy flocking!

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